Eating Disorders and Coaching? Often coaches are faced with clients who have eating disorders. Anorexia, Bulimia, Binge Eating are serious life-threatening conditions that are... July 14, 2010 0 0
Protecting Your Subconscious Mind If you ever feel frustrated that you are unable to meet your goals or that you might even be self-sabotaging yourself, then you may need to better... July 13, 2010 2 0
Are You Utilizing Your Own Wealth? Often I work with clients who are eager to learn tapping techniques, and then once they learn them they forget to utilize them. My own... June 24, 2010 0 0
Why Are You Reluctant to Use Energy Therapy? Why are some people reluctant to utilize energy therapy and its wonderful transformational tools? Do you fall into this category? There is... April 30, 2010 0 0
I love Energy Psychology Tools! I love energy psychology and the powerful tools that support the work of understanding energy, how it works within to keep the body health... April 28, 2010 0 0
Taking Conscious Responsibility for Our Feelings “If you feel it, then it is in you.” I first heard this phrase in the late 1980’s during a short intro seminar presented by Dr... March 29, 2010 2 0
Blog versus Ezine and/or Blog? It is time for me to get more focused and simplify my life. I plan to continue to share my musings here in my blog Alchemist Anne, and also to... March 26, 2010 0 0
Shifting My Skills Paradigm to NET EFT Practitioner “When a paradigm shifts, everything goes back to zero.” I still love this quote from Joel Barker, futurist during the 90’s, who... March 12, 2010 0 0
Neuro Emotional Technique is a Potent Healing Modality Dr. Scott Walker, DC, developed NET during the same year that Gary Craig developed EFT. Both had studied other modalities and went on to create... March 11, 2010 0 0
I truly believe that NOBODY needs to suffer using NET & EFT! The day I resolved to either leave the planet or get well was one of the most important days of my life. I had passionate resolve to get well and... March 10, 2010 0 0
Creating from Within Energy management is so important to each of us as we go about creating the life of our desires and flowing with the Law of Attraction. I was... December 4, 2009 0 0
Touch for Health As soon as I was introduced to the teachings of Touch for Health in 1986, I was hooked. I’ve been studying energy healing and therapy... December 2, 2009 0 0