Schedule Inspiration Time In our busy lives we often lose sight of what is “real” because we fail to consciously schedule Inspiration Time. Media hype... January 31, 2014 0 0
Correlations of Early Abuse and Autoimmune Disorders When approaching an autoimmune case in a natural, wholistic way, it makes perfect sense that if an individual’s body is starting to work against... November 27, 2013 0 0
Create a Happy Holiday Season with EFT & Energy Therapy! The Holidays and the darkness of Winter trigger your subconscious gremlins to pop out at family gatherings, office parties, church... November 6, 2013 0 0
Food Combining for Improved Digestion You probably know of somebody that has digestion problems… and it may be you. With so many food allergies and sensitivities showing up causing... October 30, 2013 0 0
The Ariela Group of Wholistic Services Expands Its Offerings As my own professional life continues to expand I am excited to see my energy psychology practice also growing in how it better serves not only my... August 20, 2013 0 0
Neuro Emotional Technique in Energy Psychology My colleague, Jef Gazley, is also a practitioner of NET/ Neuro Emotional Technique first, and EFT next. He wrote this excellent article explaining... May 24, 2013 1 0
My Options for Concrete Coverings to Promote Earthing Health Benefits I’ve been enjoying and enduring a construction project in my office area that came about for numerous reasons. The final thought that... April 13, 2013 4 0
Authenticity and Conscious Connection to Spirit are Answers to Society’s Woes I’ve always received important messages in dreams, and recently I was guided to understand the bigger picture for our society, planet, and... December 20, 2012 0 0
Sweet Poison Years ago I stopped using artificial sweeteners when I read several reports on the dangers of their contents, specifically aspartame. Much... December 18, 2012 0 0
Tracking the Cause of Asthma My client is a seasoned EFT / Emotional Freedom Techniques and Energy Therapy practitioner who has suffered from asthma for almost fifty years... November 7, 2012 0 0
The Body is Designed for Balance The human body is an amazing vehicle which is in constant flux with change, regeneration, cleansing, and re-balance. It is not programmed to be... October 25, 2012 0 1
Chiropractic Success is An Inside Job Often clients request support for a certain issue and come to a session wanting to jump right into an energy therapy EFT meridian tapping sequence... July 11, 2012 0 0