EFT for Coaches Intro call today

This afternoon I facilitated a special EFT for Coaches Introduction call that was attended by a good group of coach colleagues. On the call we discussed some of the issues around coaching, running a successful six or seven-figure coaching practice, marketing our businesses, among other issues that often come up for savvy coaches.

I introduced the coaches to the benefits of using Emotional Freedom Technique for themselves – to help them break through fears, doubts, frustrations, inner subconscious blockages. I also shared some of the benefits that they would provide to their clients if they offered that as a tool within their coaching practices.

I introduced the EFT protocol and facilitated a round of EFT focusing on a shared coaching issue. This specialized EFT “TAPshop” was fun for me and I know that those coaches on the call who follow through and learn more in order to utilize this new tool will see their lives shift in dramatic ways. I look forward to more feedback about the session from my colleagues.

This call was a gift to my friends, and it was also one of several Introduction calls as I get ready to launch a special new “Coach the Coach – to Use EFT” training program on June 11. I have offered one-on-one and group Coach-the-Coach training programs in the past, and this one will be even more potent because it will be all about how to incorporate Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) as a potent coaching tool within the framework of a coaching curriculum and protocol. Each participant will benefit from seven hours per month of live call contact with me (or via recordings if they miss the live calls). All participants will receive a complete Coach’s Curriculum Manual which will focus on the appropriate application of EFT within the coaching program. All participants will connect via a private yahoo groups forum, and will have direct and regular e-mail access to me.

So, if you or anybody you know would be interested in knowing more about the up-coming “Coach the Coach – to Use EFT” training program that begins on June 11, or if you would like to be personally invited to attend the next Introduction call, please contact me by going to: https://arielagroup.com/contact and tell me what you would like to receive, or ask me a question there. You may also be interested in knowing more about the weekly EFT TAPshop sessions: http://www.eft-tapshops.com .

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