N- EFT & Energy Therapy TAPshops: Regular or Lite
July is an exciting month. I am revamping several aspects of my life, my business, my website, and the N- EFT & Energy Therapy TAPshops!
Some of you already know that I offer a weekly group coaching program now entitled: N- EFT & Energy Therapy TAPshops. This is half way through its second year, and based on positive feedback from participants, I have made some changes.
Firstly, some of you might recognize that the name of the program has changed a bit. I am now formally claiming the principal modality that I share as an energy psychologist. It is called: Neuro – Emotional Freedom Technique or N- EFT because it is a blend of two potent techniques that I utilize with my clients.
Anyone who has worked with me before realizes that I usually teach my clients to use classical Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT. I am certifed by Gary Craig and highly endorse his process. You may learn more by going here.
When I am facilitating a session with a client I often incorporate applied kinesiology as well as Neuro Emotional Technique or NET, which is a very powerful modality that requires application by a facilitator. You may learn more about this technique here.
During each call I provide a universal emotional issue, share information about an advanced way to address clearing the issue, and then we tap. I provide the set-up statements and provide enough time for the muted participants to respond exactly or with their own wording to pinpoint their specific aspect of this issue.
July’s monthly focus is on clearing blockages to receiving abundance. In our first live call we tapped out issues that were inherited in DNA, energetics taken on while in the womb, pre-verbal perceptions that created an aspect of the inner critical voice, and life aspects as well as traumas up to age 5.
The second call of the month focused on clearing emotional issues taken on from age 5 up to 15. This includes family relationships, home life dynamics, teachers, peers, other traumas and challenges of growing up.
We still have two weeks left to go and during the live call on July 20th we will focus on clearing issues from age 13 to 20. These are formative years when we all experience deep emotions and often our perceptions are somewhat clouded with teenaged hormones, peer pressure, growing pains, general insecurities and fears. This will be an important session – one not to be missed!
And the fourth session of July will focus on clearing issues that block the flow of abundance into your life based on age 20 and above. This will include our working years, child-bearing years, marriage or not issues, among others.
The Regular TAPshop program offers four calls per month, with live calls on the first and third Tuesdays of each month and recorded calls on the second and fourth weeks of each month. All calls are provided to participants via recording after the call, with notes about the session.
If this month’s sessions sound of interest to you, then you can sign up now to join us for the July 20th LIVE (third) call of this month and receive recordings from the first two July sessions with your Regular program registration.
And, if four calls per month are a bit much for your schedule or your budget, then there is a TAPshop Lite program too. This program offers you two live calls per month on the first and third Tuesdays, and you receive recordings of each call with notes.
There is also a bonus incentive to receive a private one-on-one coaching session using N- EFT, with me , Dr. Anne Merkel, if you register for three months of the Regular TAPshop program or six months of the Lite TAPshop program.
To learn more or register you can visit our Tapshops Page.
Anne Merkel PhD
Glad it is helpful to you!
I’ve been lokiong for a post like this forever (and a day)
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