Law of Attraction – Riding the River of Abundance

In one of the latest Abraham-Hicks publications, with the accompanying audio and video formats, there is a focus on staying in the flow of abundance. The analogy of paddling up-river against the current versus flowing down-stream WITH the current is made. We have all heard this comparison before. And yet, we all have at least one aspect of life where we may still be paddling up-stream and stressing against the natural flow.

I often urge my clients, and I remind myself, that if something feels difficult, or if there is stress in performing an action, then maybe it needs to be analyzed for its appropriateness. When we are really in the flow of Universal energy, life is easy. The flow allows us to easily move in the direction we wish to travel and achieve what we want. It makes our tasks painless and we are able to accomplish more than when we are struggling.

I endorse conscious living.  Daily meditation of some form is one potent tool that we can utilize to stay conscious. In meditation, when the right brain takes over and dominates the analytical left brain, the subtleties of energy flow are more apparent. For us to consciously utilize the Law of Attraction for our own benefit we need to be able to get out of the way and FLOW! When we are conscious we can better follow our instincts and consciously perform the steps that logically lead to fulfillment of our dreams, instead of struggling or thrashing about, resisting the practical steps toward manifesting our desires. We constantly sabotage ourselves when we struggle with trying to manipulate outside evidences rather than taking care of the inside blockages and struggles.

Life sure will be easier when we stay conscious and flow with the forces of the Universe to allow the “right things” to happen!!

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