Job Search Woes can be easily cleared with EFT!
In 1985 I trained as a career consultant with Bernard Haldane, one of the top gurus in the world in this field. His work inspired his protege’, Richard Bolles, to write the all-time best-seller What Color is Your Parachute?
In the past when I did lots of career counseling, executive marketing consulting, and outplacement counseling, I did not know about meridian tapping tools such as EFT. Now I can share these energy therapy tools with others to help them clear their job search woes. These blocks, doubts, fears will continue to hold them back from getting the job of their desires – until the inner resistance is cleared.
Tonight I am giving all job searchers and career counselors a gift of a very affordable tele-seminar focused on teaching EFT and clearing issues such as:
- negative feelings about: a past job, past employer, how you left your last job, etc.
- anxiety about what will or might be asked of you in your job including: certain tasks, responsibilities, technical requirements, new skills that must be learned, etc.
- loss felt as a result of no longer: working in your past job, earning as much money, working with old friends & colleagues, enjoying a status position, receiving the same benefits as before, etc.
- confusion due to: lack of clarity about what you want, emotional charge around being out of work, frustration of looking for a new job, etc.
As a continuation of an earlier Job School series that I offered through CoachWorld, I am offering this tele-seminar tonight – Wednesday, June 30, at 7:30 p.m. ET/ 4:30 PT, and I am only charging $25 for the class. Your benefits will include:
- instruction in and use of EFT,
- discussion of various job-search issues that are able to be easily cleared,
- an actual tapping session that will clear your issues,
- a recording of the session that can be used over and over again to clear related issues.
- I will also provide follow-up e-mail support to all participants.
I believe that every career counselor should have this tool to break down your client’s inner resistance to using the “nuts & bolts” of job hunting that you will be sharing. Without de-charging the inner resistance and blockages even the best career campaign may easily fall apart.
To register or refer a client, just go to:, and you can easily sign up. The tele-class bridgeline with passcode will be sent directly by e-mail to each participant. I look forward to having you join us tonight at 7:30 Eastern!
Anne Merkel PhD
I am sorry that there was no recording for this presentation – made in 2010. If you would like a complimentary consultation around this, feel free to contact me at: [email protected] .
Anne I. Merkel, Ph.D. – Energy Therapist Coach
The Ariela Group of Wholistic Services
Coaching for Conscious Transformation, Wellness, Release of Trauma
Energy Psychology, N-hanced EFT, Neuro Emotional Technique
Spirit in Business – Creativity PLAYshops
Office: 706-374-6460 / Toll Free: 1-877-262-2276
Coaching Tips:
Is there any way to get a recording of this teleseminar for job searchers? I will be unable to attend the live session this evening and I am very much interested in the information.
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