I am an EFT Advocate!! It works!!
I am an educator and a student. As an over-educated person who has studied many things, is certified in many others, and is always searching for the best modalities or ideas to pass on in my trainings, I most enjoy the simple ideas or techniques that are fast, easy, painless, and that WORK for me!
For many years I have taught ideas and techniques to others so they can help themselves and their businesses. I’ve taught and trained tens of thousands of people world-wide, and the simple tool that I think works best to change one’s life and business is emotional freedom technique – EFT. I started out teaching flute and music lessons. Then I taught languages for many years. Then I taught business courses. In all, I taught as an Adjunct Professor at twenty universities and colleges, and in four MBA programs. In my training businesses, since 1980 I have trained people from 76+ countries, and that number continues to grow. For all those who I trained, I know I helped to change attitudes, change lives, help people and businesses to survive and achieve. Now I get to really follow my own passion and help others at a deeper level.
Energy therapy is scary for some people. Others think it is just too “woo-woo” to work. I like the fact that you don’t need to believe in it for it to benefit you! I also like the fact that people who learn EFT hold a personal tool with which they can stay well, happy, and clear blockages to their success. In this day of purported “gloom & doom” it is only those with special inner tools who will continue to thrive in all aspects of their lives without being pulled into the depression of others.
I have already reported on the many successes I’ve seen from utilizing EFT and other energy therapy tools. I’ll continue to share those here. In the meantime, if you are at all interested in learning more about EFT – from some other experts – for FREE, then you better go to the following link immediately to sign up for the EFT World Summit which starts later today. Go to: http://www.tryitoneverything.com/cmd.php?Clk=2977655.
This is really a great deal. Starting at 8:00 p.m. EDT this evening and going for nine days, sixteen EFT specialists will present virtually by on-line webinar for two hours each day. You may attend the webinar sessions anytime within twenty-four hours of each presentation, so it can easily fit into your schedule – whatever that is! And, if you love the presentations you can always buy downloadable or hard copies of the presentations. Isn’t it easy?
So, if you truly want an easy, painless, life-long tool that will radically improve your present life, then I highly recommend that you either join my weekly EFT TAPshop gatherings (live EFT workshops with laser-coaching by phone): https://arielagroup.com/tapshops , or register for the EFT World Summit that starts later today: http://www.tryitoneverything.com/cmd.php?Clk=2977655. Either way you will win!!