The Art of Allowing The Law of Attraction to Work

I love the power of Allowing!

I remember when I was a little girl I’d ride my tricycle around the paths of my fenced-in back yard and imagine that it was my palomino horse Trigger. I’d dress up in my red cowgirl outfit, strap on my six-shooter, and off I’d ride into the sunset… or at least around the bend to the big apple tree. I imagined myself on a large blonde horse, riding gracefully across the fields with the wind blowing my own blonde hair. Several years later when my grandmother bought herself a horse at age 65 my parents decided that we would buy a couple of horses to keep on the family farm so we could ride with Grandma.  We ended up buying a Tennessee walking horse who had been a parade horse in a previous life. He was a gorgeous palomino, and of course, his name was Trigger. For several years in high school this wonderful animal and I had fun adventures galloping across the farm fields and hills, parading for the cows and other horses. I marveled at how a little girl’s dream had manifested – even down to the horse’s name!!

Life got more detailed complicated. School, jobs, marriages, entrepreneurial contracts, several moves across the country, clients, schedules, pets, … I bought a house and meanwhile wrote my criteria for a dream house. Two years later a friend told us about a special house – under forclosure – for a price we could afford. WOW! I found the paper where I had written my “wish list” and all of the criteria were there. All I had done was to clarify what I wanted, write down the details, and move on with my life… and the rest came to me.

Next it was time to manifest a new car. I did my research and created a “wish list” using a business management decision-making formula which I was teaching in my Director of Training & Development capacity. The conglomerate corporation for which I worked had six locations in five states. Using my own wish list as an example I trained twenty-four different audiences on the process. Before the series was finished I had found the perfect car that met all of my criteria. I bought it in PA and said I would pick it up the next month when I was there on business and drive it home then. I’ve loved my wonderful car ever since that time, and all I did was to clarify, remind myself what I was manifesting, and let it happen!!

The Law of Attraction is so potent – and Allowing is an integral part of that. If we can all just trust the process and get out of the way, miracles WILL and DO happen!!  ;-))

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1 Comment

  • Law Of Attraction + Wealth Building = Another Winner
    February 27, 2014

    Thanks for adorable post and excellent informational daily blogging.

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