Shifting My Skills Paradigm to NET EFT Practitioner

“When a paradigm shifts, everything goes back to zero.” I still love this quote from Joel Barker, futurist during the 90’s, who helped to guide business leaders into the twenty-first century. Even he didn’t suspect how many changes and paradigm shifts would occur – and so frequently as we reached and passed the millennium change point.

I started my company in 1985 after several years in top management prior to that. For fifteen years I enjoyed using the skills of speaking, training, consulting. I served as a rather yang “preacher, teacher, answer person”. People paid me to give them the answers, and that is what I did. I was very good at that and many thousands of individuals and hundreds of corporations benefited from what I shared.

Then I took a sabbatical to re-discover my passion. I was burned out after so many years of running my own business plus helping so many others to run theirs. After several years of working part-time and doing lots of inner soul-searching about what I wanted to be when I grew up, I realized that I could easily adapt my old skills and shift my own paradigm to one that I enjoyed more at this point in my career.

By the time I re-invented myself I had already been coaching  for many years and that was beginning to be a popular profession. I had also been using and facilitating energy healing modalities for a number of years and felt a lot of passion about utilizing these tools with others as a business.

In re-creating my business I realized that my old skill set had taken so much energy on my part because it didn’t come naturally for me. As an introvert and very introspective person I had to put lots of energy into supporting my own comfort level whenever I stood in front of large audiences as a plenary speaker or was hired to tell top executives how to run their corporations. I did a good job, but it was stressful and ended up burning me out.

This new skill set, on the other hand, feels much more natural to me. It takes much less of my energy to coach and support people with healing modalities like EFT, NET, Reiki, Healing Touch, applied kinesiology, among others. I am intuitive and can rely on my inner voice to guide me as I am working with a client. With my toolbox of various modalities I can easily support my clients with whatever they need when they present to me. This feels so much more natural for me. It is coming through me in the moment rather than being planned and created beforehand.

So, my new skills paradigm has taken me to places where I can do my coaching and healing work as I also focus on writing. These can all be performed from the comfortable energy of my home office sitting on top of a beautiful mountain with views all around. Yes, I do still get out and network – occasionally. However, I find solace in my alone time or the intimate time I spend with a client by phone where we are both in our comfortable settings connecting energetically. Yes, the paradigm has shifted. And now, Anne is happier, healthier, more “in tune”, and supporting herself first, and others because she can!

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