A New Day is Dawning!!
Finally the election campaign is over and the votes have been cast. The people have spoken and we have a new president-elect of the United States. There are great opportunities for positive change, and although the changes may bring enjoyable results, there is still much fear of the unknown. We have all felt fear at one time or another in our lives – especially around CHANGE… even intentional change. Often when a change is planned there is the accompanying high of the adrenalin rush, of optimistic tension. Let us strive to hold that energetic rush in a positive way and utilize it in beneficial thoughts, words, actions. We can all flow with the energy ignited by this post election dawn. There is great hope in change, and this is what we should all hold onto.
There is a wonderful and inspiring article provided at the following link that you may enjoy reading. It is a letter to our new president-elect, with reminders that are good for all of us. Go to: http://www.theroot.com/id/48726.