2011 EFT Tapping World Summit continues…

As I get back in town from a week in Florida I think I’ll join the EFT Tapping World Summit energy that is being felt world-wide. Of course I’m participating – I bought the hard-copy as well as digital versions and bonuses of all the presentations, but, there is just something special about participating on-line with the energy of so many others involved world-wide… at the same time!

The free EFT Summit version is very helpful if one can schedule to listen to the two per day audios for the ten consecutive days. We are into Day #8 now and there are so many good sessions still to come. I believe maybe Day #7 audios are still available until this evening, so check it out by signing up today for the no-cost Summit! It is much more worth your time than spending Sunday afternoon watching TV, shopping, or taking a nap… just a single hour of tapping along will not only teach you about tapping, but will also start to shift your life for the better! And as it shifts the Law of Attraction will automatically shift other aspects of your life too.

I would never have had such a care-free and fun trip and visit with my parents if I had not previously used the meridian tapping energy therapy tools  to clear my old emotional baggage!

Try it and start your own conscious transformation!

For info  go to:  http://www.thetappingsolution.com/cmd.php?Clk=4172499

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