Tuesday’s TAPshop Talk – Clearing Re-occurring Patterns
Have I mentioned before that I really enjoy writing? Well, I do! I guess that is a Mercurial Gemini trait! ;-))
After all of my summer travel I’ve come back raring to go forward and do more fun things in my life and my business. And, one thing I really want to do more of is to WRITE! So, I’m going to commit more energy to my blog… in fact I want to focus on specific topics on certain days of each week.
I’ve already introduced Miracle Mondays… and now we’ll dedicate Tuesdays to “TAPshop talk“. What is this? Well, most of you know by now that every Tuesday afternoon at 4:00 p.m. ET (or at least the first 4 Tuesdays of each month) I offer a live group coaching with EFT session that I call an EFT “TAPshop” rather than “workshop”… because we focus on applying EFT and other meridian tapping techniques to specific issues in our lives, and using EFT and other MTT’s means that we all “tap” together on the call!
So far the group is loyal and small, and each individual is getting LOTS of individual support and personal coaching in these calls… for a mere monthly pittance! Anyway, I’d like to share some of the topics from our calls here in my blog on Tuesdays, so if you can’t join along you can at least focus on a universal issue, in your own way, on your own!
Last week’s call incorporated many tips of advanced EFT around how to really make EFT work for you. As I coach new people each week I can truthfully report that in the last month most of the people I’ve worked with report that they see EFT work for others and they are not getting those same results in their own lives. Last week’s call focused on all of the reasons why this might be occurring. We went very deeply into the concept of energy therapies, meridians, finding the underlying issues, choosing the priority issues that would make the biggest difference when applying EFT or another MTT’s, etc. It was a potent call and I received some very good feedback afterwards.
Today’s call will focus on clearing re-occurring negative patterns. So, here is something for you to ponder:
Think about your life and identify whether you have any old re-occurring pattern in your life that you would like to let go of. Many people that I work with have been able to clear the following issues, and this list might trigger a recognition in your own mind. Have you been:
- Participating in relationships that follow the same patterns over & over… and fizzle out for the same reasons?
- Sustaining injuries in the same general areas of your body – re-occurring head injuries / same side of the body injuries / etc.?
- Experiencing accidents over & over – one client experienced 25 fender-benders before he broke the energetic cycle, and hasn’t had a single accident since/ one client had others running into her car regularly until she broke the cycle?
- Losing money or spending all of your money in various ways, where each time you get ahead the money just seems to disappear?
- Experiencing re-occurring nightmares, over & over?
- Attracting experiences with the same kinds of people posing as your bosses, employees, business associates, and you’d like to clear the slate and start over with a different type of person in those roles?
- Creating co-dependent relationships where you feel that you can’t exist without the other person providing X for you?
- Experiencing losses of different kinds that all seem to be coming one after another and creating great emotional pain?
- Attracting what seems like “bad luck”, “jinxes”, etc. while others around you are doing well?
- Losing jobs, contracts, clients, your sense of stability?
- Failing to close your sales with customers, clients, patients?
- Coming down with all kinds of strange physical symptoms that nobody can explain, but that cause you discomfort?
- Experiencing any other cycles or re-occurring patterns in any aspect of your life, that you would like to clear?
These are just a few of the cases that I’ve seen with people who get stuck in an energetic pattern that can easily be shifted and cleared using the direct connection with the subconscious and your electro-magnetic field. This is the kind of clearing that we will be doing later today in our EFT TAPshop session.
Since September is a wonderful time for new beginnings and changes, I’d like to offer a special to everybody who joins our TAPshop this month. In addition to the weekly live calls with recordings that you will receive, for all who join now you may also receive recordings for two very popular past calls.
- Clearing old issues around MONEY, abundance, earning, spending – complete with a set of suggested set-up statements from which you can create your own that focuses on your specific issue around $$.
- Subtle reasons why EFT may not seem to be working, and how to shift your practice so that it definitely works for you!
Just go to http://www.EFT-TAPshops.com and sign up to join us today and on the first four Tuesdays of each month at 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time. Try the TAPshops for one month and you’ll experience beneficial changes in your life!