Touch for Health

Surprise! Yes, I changed my blog format a bit so that you can see the beautiful view from my cabin/office that is so inspiring to me as I write. The sunset in the banner photo was taken at the summer solstice – at the height of light in the northern hemisphere! I hope you enjoy it!

Touch for Health is a wonderful approach to healing that is taught to lay people / non-physicians, so that they will be able to take more responsibility in their own health. If you have ever been to a chiropractor or kinesthesiologist you might have had the same muscle groups and meridians tested for strength or weakness as you can learn through studying Touch for Health.

I was first introduced to TFH in 1985 or 1986 when my ex-husband and I took a course from one of the earlier TFH “gurus” Dr. Sheldon Deal. Sheldon has become a friend through the years and, besides being an award-winning body builder in his youth, is a world-known doctor of chiropractic and a naturopathic doctor. He is still active in the international TFH organization and the International College of Applied Kinesiology.

As soon as I was introduced to the teachings of TFH I was hooked, and I’ve been studying energy healing and therapy techniques ever since. But, I went about my studies in other ways. I learned about applied kinesiology through my ex-husband, a chiropractor. I learned about meridians and specific emotional clearing techniques by studying Neuro Emotional Technique, NET, for seven years with Drs. Scott and Deb Walker, and by becoming a practitioner. Then I learned more by studying EFT through Gary Craig. Now I have come full circle and am taking the Touch for Health four-part certification training with Earl Cook, creator of e-touch for Health, and practitioner since 1976 ( .) I will complete the certification in March, 2010.

As though I didn’t have enough to do these days, I have dedicated entire weekends in November, December, February, and March to learn more about how to use the muscles in the body to test for strengths or weaknesses that can cause pain and eventually disease. I’m learning more about the meridians and the muscles and organs with which they correspond, in addition to learning more about the basics of the five-element acupuncture model and meridian cycles so that I can better incorporate this information as background into my NET and EFT practices with clients. I am excited about TFH’s ability to clear physical pain and energetically support goal-setting, and I plan to apply it with clients as soon as I finish the full certification training program in March, 2010.

So, stay tuned. I will share more as I learn it! 🙂 And, if you would like to know more about Touch for Health, please go to: .

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