Business Meetings Can Be FUN!
As a long-time member of many chambers of commerce, I usually take time to go network with my business colleagues at monthly Business After Hours gatherings. These are usually opportunities for meeting new folks, exchanging business cards, talking about products and services, and eating refreshments… not necessarily in that order of importance! 🙂
 I know that whenever I set my mind to going and having a good time whatever happens, then I do have a good time, and usually something beneficial comes from my attendance. I have managed to have fun in a variety of strange business networking venues with seemingly dull surroundings and questionable agendas. Well, last night the Blairsville – Union County Georgia Chamber had a fun gathering that incorporated fun into the entire theme.  They hosted a Business After Hours Bunco Party.
Bunco? If you’ve never heard of it, the game is all about rolling dice to advance from station to station until the winners run out of places to advance. I remember being a winner in grade school when we had a school-wide bunco party. I remember that it was fun and exciting – especially when I was awarded my prize!
Yesterday was a good example of blending fun with doing real business. In a game setting – like bunco – people are able to really be themselves. They can let their hair down, laugh, gamble, act silly, and show their human sides. In this spirit of authenticity real business can be done much more easily than in stiff “let’s exchange business cards” settings. I’m glad that I attended last night. Even if I didn’t win the bunco game itself, I enjoyed the process much more than usual!
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This knowledge is not only fascinating but with this knowledge you can make some big changes in your life.
Learn more tips for making the most of your business ventures from his interview.
Once you have subliminally removed blocks to receiving what you want, you’ve “blasted the door wide open”
to allowing the Law of Attraction to respond to your wishes.
I am talking about the kind of hypnosis where you stay conscious the
whole time between a waking state and a sleeping state and
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your subconscious mind. The Basic Concept of the Law of Attraction and God’s Will.
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