Balancing My Priorities!! EFT Helps too!! :)

Recently I decided to create a new website after seven years. This comes at the same time I am enrolled in two major study programs (like graduate school all over again!!) And, I’ve also just recently gotten involved with social networking and blogging. So, I’ve been a busy gal… oh, did I forget the art classes that I am taking weekly, and the fact that Martin DOES enjoy seeing me occasionally??  And, did I mention that we’ve scheduled three major contra dance weekends in February and March??… and that I have rehearsals every night next week for a musical that plays for two weekends??  J  I’m still smiling!!

There are so many aspects of ME that are blossoming out all at the same time!!  It is so much fun!!  This week is the first week in eleven that I haven’t offered a free tele-workshop working with Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). It is nice to clear the calendar a bit occasionally. In fact, instead of the tele-class I went outside and tilled my garden on the same afternoon that I had previously offered classes for ten weeks and the timing was perfect because the rains came right after that.

I tend to always have LOTS of projects going at once… just like the fact that I am always reading more than one book at the same time. I guess I get bored easily. At the same time I realize how important it is to make and stick with my priorities. After many years as an entrepreneur I am used to self-discipline and motivation. I am also used to setting my own schedules and balancing my priorities. I do this latter task now a bit differently than I used to in my prior life in corporate America.

For many years I believed that I worked better under pressure. Yes, I DID get LOTS done, however I also felt the stress, and I realize now that much of the stress was self-induced. I still pile many things into my TO DO box, however if I don’t get around to them, or I decide to go have fun instead of being a task mistress over myself I don’t panic. I realize how important PLAY and CREATIVITY and RELATIONSHIP and SELF-NURTURING and EXERCISE and GOOD EATING HABITS and (did I already say) PLAY are. These are higher priorities to me now than ANY work priorities that I set for myself, because I have finally begun to realize what is REALLY important in life!! And, if I feel any fear or stress involved I can always utilize Emotional Freedom Technique EFT, and the negative feelings clear right out so that I can focus on whatever I want to do, not what I’m feeling stressed to do!!  J  It’s about time that I woke up!!  J

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